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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Young Artist

(image taken from Here ) When she sat with her pen, sat to write, a parade of thoughts swiftly raced through her head.  A little girl, with little experience of the real world, but lots of dreams. The elegance and subtle beauty in the cartoons and paintings she had seen. The charm of the music all around. She'd paint all that in her small words. Hey what could I write. . about the flowers or the butterflies all around them, the trees or the scent of their leaves..of my dolls, or dad's laptop. Maybe about my favourite cartoon *subtle smile*. Aye! I could write about that dessert mum makes on Sundays...but I don't know how it is made or what it is made of. No problem! I'l describe its taste..yumm..! *grin* Now think, think, think. Gotta be a writer! Ms Chang does think I'm gonna be a good writer when I grow up, and write great books...I could write about her. Or I could write about the school. That would take too much time, school has so much to write about. Hey, I...

A Disappointment to Remember

I really don't understand the hype the entire Girl's Hostel created about this film. Medical school, really Landon, is that all you want to achieve after graduating high school? What? Are the writers 6 year-olds? Medical school is everyone's dream is the most prestigious thing in the world. . .  *sigh* Girls telling me they cried while watching the movie. I mean seriously, these friends of mine made it sound like a pathetic crime if you haven't seen this movie. I admit i did set my hopes a bit high because of the fan based publicity, but even if i hadn't, this movie would still be nothing but 3 nice songs. In case you haven't guessed, I am talking about the film, 'A Walk to Remember'. An utmost child like portrayal of love, even simpler than those Disney movies. The cherry on top is the diminished image of leukaemia; it's like a child was writing a story, learnt a new word from somewhere, so put it in his story. No one beyond the age of 1...

The Road I'd Love To Take

my second ever oil on canvas..

The Mystery

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 17 ; the seventeenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . What lies beyond, An ocean full of sharks or a land of ease? A space with no gravity or a ground of morality? An endless search or that special soul? The end of being  or the garden of eve? What lies beyond,  Lots of uncertainty or mental stability... The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here . To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton .